职 称:长聘教轨副教授,博士生导师,课题组长
电 话:021-34205297
博士生导师,课题组组长 ( PI )。主要从事动物生殖发育或动物繁殖比较基因组学、生物信息学和表观遗传学等方面研究。已在Cellular and Molecular Life Science, Journal of Advanced Research, Clinical and translational medicine, Cell Death Differ, Cell Reports等学术期刊发表SCI论文30篇。
- 主持国家自然科学青年科学基金项目(2023.01-2025.12)。
- 主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2021.01-2022.12)。
- 上海市“超级博士后”激励计划(2020.11.01-2022.10.31)。
- Tian GG#, Hou C#, Li J*, Wu J*. Three‐dimensional genome structure shapes the recombination landscape of chromatin features during female germline stem cell development. Clinical and translational medicine. 2022; 12: e927 (IF: 11.492)
- Tian GG#, Zhao X#, Hou C#, Xie W, Li X, Wang Y, Wang L, Li H, Zhao X*, Li J*, Wu J*. Integrative analysis of the 3D genome structure reveals that CTCF maintains the properties of mouse female germline stem cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2022; 79: 22 (IF:9.207)
- Tian GG, Li J*, Wu J*. Alternative splicing signatures in preimplantation embryo development. Cell & Bioscience. 2020; 10: 1-10 (IF: 9.584)
- Tian GG, Li J*, Wu J*. Comparison analysis of multiple-omics data between femaleline stem cells and spermatogonial stem cells. Genes & Diseases. 2022; 10: 727-730 (IF:7.243)
- Hou C, Zhao X, Tian GG*, Wu J*. Stella Regulates the Development of Female Germline Stem Cells by Modulating Chromatin Structure and DNA Methylation. International journal of biological sciences. 2022; 18:3006 (IF:10.750)
- Luo H#, Li X#, Tian GG#, Li D, Hou C, Ding X, Hou L, Lyu Q, Yang Y, Cooney AJ, Xie W, Xiong J, Wang H, Zhao X*, Wu J*. Offspring production of ovarian organoids derived from spermatogonial stem cells by defined factors with chromatin reorganization. Journal of Advanced Research. 2021; 33: 81-98 (IF:12.882)
- Zhao X#, Tian GG#, Fang Q#, Pei X, Wang Z*, Wu J*. Comparison of RNA m(6)A and DNA methylation profiles between mouse female germline stem cells and STO cells. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2021; 23: 431-39 (IF:10.183)
- Zhang Y#, Tian GG#, Wang X, Hou C, Hu X*, Wu J*. Retinoic acid induced meiosis initiation of female germline stem cells by remodeling three-dimensional chromatin structure. Cell Proliferation. 2022; 55: e13242 (8.755)
- Meng C, Tian G, Xu C, Li X, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Qin J, Fok EKL, Hinton BT, Mak KK, Shum WW, Chan WY, Xia Y*. Hippo kinases MST1 and MST2 control the differentiation of the epididymal initial segment via the MEK-ERK pathway. Cell Death Differ. 2020; 27: 2797-09 (IF:15.828)
- Fang Q, Tian GG, Wang Q, Liu M, He L*, Li S*, Wu J*. YTHDF1 phase separation triggers the fate transition of spermatogonial stem cells by activating the lkB-NF-kB-CCND1 axis. Cell Reports. 2023; 42: 112403 (IF 9.995)
(#代表共同第一作者,*代表共同通讯作者)(IF 为近三年最高值)
- Tian GG#, Wu J#, Nie Y#, Cao J, Hou C, Liu W, Cao Y, Wang R, Huang Y, Wu J*, Qian K*. Single-cell metabolic profiling for remodeling of early embryos. Cell (under review).